⚫️ You can play online!
⚪️ Reversi and Tetris combined!
⚫️ It's a completely new kind of Reversi, where conventional strategies don't work, Tetris Reversi!
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⚫️ The game has an online function.
The game is equipped with an online function.
You can build a room and give out the room number.
The game has an online function.
⚫️ Play against the cpu or against your friends!
Of course, you can play against the cpu or offline with your friends.
Of course, you can play against the cpu or against your friends offline!
You can play against the multiplayer or offline against your friends! You can play against one or two players for free.
You can play with friend multiplay!
⚫️ A tetris reversi game where you place the pieces in the shape of Tetris.
Ordinary Reversi is played one at a time.
This is a completely new type of tetriss othello.
A completely new Othello!
Tetris Reversi!